Saturday, September 09, 2006

Lyon weekend

I went to Lyon for the weekend, travelled there with my other host family the Degeorges on Saturday morning, and met Monica my kiwi mate there. We went out for lunch and had a quick look around the city, Dominique and Alain went home and I stayed with Mon.

Alain, Dominique and myself on a bridge crossing the Rhône.

Il y avait du monde!

MARMITE! I ate it again for the first time since I've been in France! And what a delight that was...pleasent memories of my childhood came flooding back, it was quite overwhelming. I've tried to introduce it to my host family, didn't go down very well at all! I havn't yet heard of a Frenchie who likes the stuff. In fact anyone whos not from NZ or Australia! All the more for us

The Sunday afternoon we went off de faire le vendenge. Picking the grapes in the vineyards! It's the big season for that now. Mon and I were doing it with her Rotary club in the famous wine region 'Beaujolais.' It was a great thing to experience in France, the home of wine. We were the lucky ones, only did the afternoon beacause we went out the night before! People usually do it for 3 or 4 weeks straight, that'd be hard work!


Blogger ShabbyInTheCity said...

Wowee! Just stumbled on your blog. I am a 44 year old American mom and I am soooo jealous of the sights you have seen and the things you have done! Do you know how lucky you are???? You are quite a photographer and writer as well! I hope any one of my three boys turns out like you. What is in your future? I'm bookmarking this and I want to know what cool things you are going to do! Peace :)

28 September, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lex your getting comments from around the globe!!!! I just love the pic of the toast aye haha made me laugh. Are3 you still having fun mate?

03 October, 2006  

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