Sunday, November 05, 2006

Toulouse Trip

MORE school holidays! It's true that the French students work a lot harder at school than us, but they seem to have a lot more time on school holidays. It's all good.

This time I went to Toulouse. On my host Dad's motorbike! It was just awesome, crossing France on this huge bike. I won't say how fast we went because Mum reads this.

On the way down to the South West, we had two really interesting stops. Contrasting one might say! Above is the "Pont du Gard" and below, "Millau Viaduct".

Pont du Gard: Designed to carry the water across this river valley, it was part of a 50 km aqueduct that brought water from springs to a Roman city. It was amazing walking along this, thinking it's been standing for more than 2000 years. Lets get one of these in NZ.

Millau Viaduct: At 343m it is the tallest road bridge in the world. Very impressive architecture. We cruised down it, took photos (I was the only one taking photos), then cruised back up it. It was built in 2004.

Here it is side on.

Voila Toulouse... la ville rose! I really like this city, it's a student city. A cool ambience down there. We spent one day here, ate lunch at l'Entrecôte (see earlier in the blog... best chips in the world!) and for the afternoon on a faire les boutiques.

Another day we visited the Cité de l'espace an attraction place about space. Here is an exact replica of the Mir space station, wen't inside to see what it'd be like to live out there! Another cool thing there was an IMAX film, some amazing images of space all in 3D
Anyone who knows anything will know that Toulouse is the HQ of Airbus. We did a guided tour! Spoke a lot about the A380, their new double decker. It was great to visit the site of this huge French company. Saw the building where 3 x A380s were being contructed, impressive

We stayed at my host Dad's father's place out in the country. A really nice old family home... had several nice evenings in front of the open fire with wine, sausisson, cheese. A great experience, it was a fantastic holiday.

Here's Rosanne my host sister, elle est belle cette chienne.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nicole and kev say hello !

07 November, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey nick,
Thats cool that you saw the aquaduct. That bridge was made 2000 years ago to bring water to my town!!!!
Sad that i didn`t get to see you but glad that you had a fun time.
Moto road trips rock, Je suis d`accord.
A plus

09 November, 2006  
Blogger petitkangaroo said...

Vivre les vacances!!! Cool blog site! Looks like you've seen a lot of France and had a lot of fun doing so BUT have you been to Cognac!? Just teasing, Chambéry looks lovely - How are we ever going to be able to leave! bisous x

09 November, 2006  

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