Sunday, September 24, 2006

J'ai vu mon frère!

For the first time in more than 8 months, I saw a family member! My brother Cam came over from England with Jodi, they came to visit for the weekend. It was great to see them, as you could imagine it would be after such a long time. They were very well hosted by my families here, they left on Tuesday morning very impressed with my life here! The weather wasnt flash for the three days they were here, and I actually came close to completely losing my voice which wasn't ideal, with so much to catch up on! But if not the weekend went very smoothly. This first photo is the three of us at a restaurant in Chambery the first night.

On Sunday afternoon we went for a bit of a drive around the region, again the weather wasn't great but we still visited some really nice places. This is a little village called Chanaz on a canal flowing into France's biggest lake, le Lac du Bourget not far from Chambéry.

Had a great meal at the house that night, one of the highlights of their stay in France was the food I think! Fair enough. Here we are celebrating my 18th, you might recall it was in the month of June, but with my host family we never got around to celebrating it! So we said we would wait to my brother came. Better late than never!

We spent Monday with Dominique, the Mum from my other host family. The general idea of the day was similar to that of Sunday afternoon, the weathers not great so we will go for a drive. We drove straight to Geneva in Switzerland, just because we can being so close! This is the three of us in front of Geneva's "Jet d'eau" (jet of water!). The photography of the weekend wouldn't win many prizes, always being the three of us in front of something European-looking under a grey sky.


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