Saturday, June 03, 2006

For 12 days, I have been on one of the Bus Trips organised by Rotary for Exchange students in France this year. A basic sum-up is I toured from Paris, France through Germany, down through Austria, to Venice in Italy, across Italy to the south of France then back up to Paris. You are right for thinking thats a lot of places for 12 days... it was pretty full on! I spent this amazing trip with 55 other young Rotary students, made such good mates with so many people... And saw so many sights. Starting with the Eiffel Tower


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sweet blog! you take some really nice photos!

20 June, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the photo, Nick!!!!

25 June, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

now that is very clever camera work haha

03 October, 2006  

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