Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Chez moi

It's quite strange to think I'm living in a house older than our country. This house was built in 1820. It is where I call home for July and August! The Daydé's summer house. Quite impressive! From the big photo, my bedroom is the second window up on the far left of that big wall. It's such a dream to be living here, it's such a beautiful house and the inside is just as impressive too. To make things worse there is a swimming pool and a tennis court. It's quite amazing to wake up here every day. It's quite relieving to just have space, to be able to wander around the big grounds. That feels a bit more like home I guess. My days here involve a lot of swimming and sun bathing, tennis, spending time with friends who come etc. Every night we eat outside which I love - thats another thing too the weather here is perfect! Pretty much every day is at least 30° with scorching sunshine, perfect with the pool right there. I'm getting along with my host family so well, enjoy hanging out with Gregoire and Edouard my two host brothers. Until the 21st there was another exchange student here too, Mafer from Equador so it was cool having two of us.


Blogger Monica Hamlyn-Crawshaw said...

Wow...what can I say..quelle chance! Looks like absolute bliss...getting real bronzée huh? Good photos and keep up the good site. It's chouette

23 July, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks absolutely beautiful where you've been staying. Lucky boy

03 October, 2006  

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