Wednesday, June 14, 2006

14 June, my birthday!
Et voila... c'est fini. Made it back up to Paris at about midday and caught the TGV back home in the evening. This photo is me with Shaun having my first legal drink in a bar... well legal if i was in NZ because here in France it doesn't pose a problem. Paris wasn't a bad place to spend the afternoon of my birthday! It ended up being a great 18th, the night before we had a big party in the youth hostel being the last night, it was great to be around so many other cool young people. Comme habitude on the trip drank quite a bit! Then arrived back home and my host family had put up a big "Joyeux Anniversaire" banner in my room. Got two packages sent from home and a few letters and many emails. MERCI a tous! So about the trip... I had the absolute time of my life, it was so much fun. Saw so many sights of Europe and equally important was meeting the awesome group of people from all over the world. I now have many people to visit this year, all over France and then further into the future, people to visit all over the world. The 4 Rotary chaperones who were with us were a little to strict at times but all in all they were pretty cool. I'm back at Chambéry now and I miss it a lot! If only it was longer. Well looking ahead to the rest of June, and all of July and August to be full of fun times. Salut, à la prochaine


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow... your blog is awesome... stupid Photobucket, whose idea was that, Ross?! Yeah I agree, I miss our Euro Tour too... *sobs*
Hope you find your phone too!
Stay in touch!
Mish (Aus)

20 June, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Nick,

Happy birthday!!
I'm Jonathan Begg's Mum (he's on exchange in South Africa). I'm enjoying your photo's sitting in my lounge in very cold and snowy Waimate South Canterbury.

Hope the rest of your year goes well.

Glenda Begg

22 June, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Nick, Happy 18th Birthday. We love your photos looks like you are having an awesome time.
Make the most of every opportunity. You are so fortunate to be able to be immerswed in a completely different culture I am sure you learning heaps.
Simon sounds like he is having an equally great time in Austria.
You look more like Simon now in your photos. Have you lost weight with all that lovely food to eat?

26 June, 2006  
Blogger Monica Hamlyn-Crawshaw said...

great site Nick! happy 18th buddy :)

30 June, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry we missed your birthday - but really great that you had a terrific day. Happy belated b'day

12 July, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope it was a grand day!

03 October, 2006  

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